
Now we go to talk about the schizophrenia. This is an illness that has mental chronic disorders, which make that the people that have this illness have an alteration of the perception and the reality.

One day I see a documental, that show how the illness affect to the people that it haves, and also to the people that is around the person affected.

Nowadays we don’t know the causes of this disorder. Some of the investigators think that this illness can be caused for the genetics, however, other investigators says that this can appear for the childhood environment, and also is related with some psychological or social process.

The documental that I saw make me think. One of the most important things that make this is that a lot of the people affected for this illness has lived a traumatic situation. For example, one of the girls that appears in the video consumed drugs for long time, and other affected lived bulling in his childhood.

I decided to make this post about schizophrenia because apart of the documental, I saw also one chapter of “Cuarto Milenio”, a mystery TV program.

In this program talk about to two cases of schizophrenia. In the first, one man kills to his father. He makes this for finish with a theory pain that his father suffer. He makes this with a crossbow. The most shocking of the story is that after this, the soon leave under the head of this father a cushion, with the objective that his father was comfy.

He says that he was not conscious about this, says that was conscious about this when his father was dead.

The second murderer is more shocking that the other. In this, the soon leave his musical career, and little by little he closed to him. He read a lot of strange books about witchcraft. All this with the objective to kills his father, because his mind make He believe that this was Satan. He found a murder accorder to Satan.

While his father sleeps, he drive an stake to the heart of this person. And also, he cut the tendons that connect the feet with the leg, with the finality that he cannot escape.

After this, he calls the police. However, he says that now Satan was his sister.

These were an extremely success. We can diagnose this illness with time, and if we can make this, the most probably is that success like that don’t repit.

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