This term my favorite topics are the books! In this time I’m going to talk about “La cathedral del Mar” of Ildefonso Falcones.
This book is also based in real events like The Fall of Giants of Ken Follet. In this case, the books explain how the life was in XIV century in Catalonia.
In the beginning the writer explains the situation of one worker called Bernat. In there explains that he get married with a very beautiful women called Francesca. The count of Navarcles decides stay with Francesca of first time before Bernat, because in this time the counts had this right. With the time the family follows with her life, but Francesca gets pregnant. When they have the child, Bernat confirm that the child was his son and no the count’s son. After some events Bernat decides to go to Barcelona with his son Arnau. He decides to go there because in there the citizens are free, and not depend of one count or king.
The two persons obtains make her life in Barcelona, however they have to pass a lot of difficulties before.
This book is very interesting. You can see how the life in was this time, and of course, you can see how unfair was the life for some people. The counts have a lot of favors, for example, they can stay with the girlfriend in the first night of her marriage. Also they have all the instruments for make for example bread, like the oven… and the citizens are obligated to go there and pay for the services. Also the citizens have to ask for go to somewhere to the count, and if they don’t make it, pays. In Barcelona this favors aren’t so insolent, but also in there some people have favors.
The book is called “La Catedral del Mar” because is what gives power to Arnau to follow his life, and fight for his rights.
I enjoy a lot this book because make me see the fortunate that in actuality we are.

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