Hello people! Today I’m going to talk about one book. This book is “Fall of Giants” of Ken Follet.This was one of my presents in Christmas. Like other books of Ken Follet like the pillars of the earth, or World without End, this book is amazing. This is based in real events of First World War.
This book is the first book belonging at one saga with three books. The second book develops in Second World War, and the third book develops in cold war.
This book is about development of the First World War. In the beginning the writer explains how the life of one young man is. He is Billy Williams. I love this book because at the same moment you can see how begins the First World War, and also how develops the life of Billy.
The story has a lot of different topics. For example, you can found love, war, friendship…
First of all you can see how Billy begins to work in a mine. In Aberowen all young men works in the mine. With the time, Billy decides to go at war to help his compatriots.
The best is that you can follow the Billy’s and his family story, the story of Dewar’s family, that are American, also the story of the Fitzherbert, that are the count of Aberowen city, the Von Ulrich family that are from Germany, and the story of Peshkov’s family that are Russian. These are the most important characters of this story; however there is also a little part of the characters of this story.
The most spectacular think is that all these characters are relate with all of them. For example, Lady Maud Fitzherbert is the sister of Fitz, and they are very friends with Walter Von Ulrich.
I don’t know what explain for don’t reveal the important events of the book. I encourage you to read the book.

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