Spain sees sharp drop in migrants from Africa

The number of migrants that come to spain are decreased a 50% since the year 2008, and the government says that this improvement is caused for increasement of the security and the co-operation with the African nations.

I think that
although the migration has decreased, even have a very big problem of migration, although the security mesures are better than the year 2008. The migrants come to our country but Spain is in a period of strong crisis, they come to here for search work but in this moment the country don't haver work for anybody. In my opinion they come to Spain for waste the time, because they don't have the necessary documents to work and if we don't have job, they won't find a legal job for they.

I thin that reduce the ilegal migration is a necessity because these ilegal migrants are consuming the few resources that we have got in the country.

I know that this is a very crtical and shoking opinion but I am trying to see this situation from a realistic point of view.

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