Summer work in "Creu Roja"

Hello friends!

Today I’m going to explain thing about my summer work.

This summer I work of live guarder with “creu roja”. In this I meet a lot of new people, like Lluís, Pau, Carles, Xavi, Lorena… but also I work with old friends like David and Núria, and with my girlfriend Alba.

I love this work, because is not very hard an exception of some days that we have a lot of rescues. And also I love this work because I can help a lot of people.
In all the summer we make more than 30 rescues, and this satisfied me. We don’t have any death, and this is the best that can pass for us.

This work make you thing about a lot of things. For example, you can see the irresponsibility of a lot of fathers that lose his own children. You also can found a lot of irresponsibility in some people that come to the water when we have put a red flag. For this, we in one day have more of 15 rescues, and a lot of my workmates can’t eat anything until 6 o’clock of the afternoon. However, you can learn some words of other languages like the French or the German.

The most important of this summer is that I meet a lot of new people, and also that we work very well together!

For this good relation we make some dinners and we went together for celebrate the last day of work. You can see some photos of these days with my workmates.

I would like to work another summer with all them.

1 comentario:

  1. Oh! good summer no? I see in this photos a funny days with your friends! jaja! but remember, you stay in high school! not in summer! ;)
    See you in clasS!
