My English competence 2010

I think that I improve a lot in my English writing, but in oral even I have to improve a lot my vocabulary and my pronunciation, It has cost me because it’s difficult to me find the words that I want say and this it’s because I think the words or the sentences that I want say in Catalan or Spanish and I can’t find the words in English.

Best written evidence:

I think that this is my best written evidence because it’s an evidence in that I wrote the thing that I was thinking in the moment, I was frustrated with the world, with the society and his capitalist mentality, and I wrote all that I was thinking.

Best oral evidence:

I choose this evidence because I think that is the best, in the oral I’m with Xavi and I made the oral with him, that was good for me because I wasn’t so nervous and I did a better presentation.

My English progress from 2008-2010

In these years I learn a lot of English, I know that I have a lot to learn overcoat in my oral English, but is an evidence that I matured my vocabulary my grammar and my compression a lot.

In my first written document I made much mistakes, my vocabulary was poor and my grammar too, I didn’t knew to structure the documents and these was very disorganized.

I improve a lot since my first oral presentation, two years ago, my vocabulary and my speech and my pronunciation, but today I have a problem that I had already two years ago and this is my nerves.

Assassin's creed

Hello people! Today I’m going to talk about a game. This is called Assassin’s creed. This is the 3th game of a saga.

These games are about a war between templar and assassins. The first game goes by around Jerusalem, in the period of the crusades. The second game of this saga goes by in the north of Italy, in cities like Venice, Firenze, san Giminiano and Monterigioni, at the XV century. The third game goes by Rome and Monterigioni, at the beginning of XVI century.

The objective of the game is preventing that templar’s get the control of the world because they only want the power. The brotherhood of the assassin’s serve to the population, and they fight for protect her interests.

The most amazing think of this game is that your real character is of our times, He lives in 2011. However helped by a machine He can connect with his ancestors that are of the brotherhood of assassins. He learns about this brotherhood, and learns to fight across this machine.

This game is the better game of this lasts years for me because on one side has a historical part, and this historical part is very faithful to the reality of our past. For example in the game appear a lot of historic characters like Leonardo Da Vinci, Maquiavelo, and The Borgia’s... Also I like it very much because is very entertaining and make you think a little bit.


Hello people! Now I’m talk about my new dog: Roc. One year ago approximately my dear dog called Laika dead. I was very sad in these times because I grow up with him.

After think about have a new dog very much with my parents we decided to adopt another pet. One friend called Beni has a lot of little boxers. Her dog has it the 22 of March of this year. He tells me this, and we decided adopt one of these little dogs.

In the beginning when we arrive with Roc to our hose he was very nervous and terrified. This is normal because he leave his mother and brothers with Beni. Also He doesn’t know the new house.

With the days He went more confident about himself.

Now is a devil! He doesn’t leave to bite our foods! We have trying to take out this ways.

Is a very affective pet. I’m very happy with him. Also, is very important for me that this dog was mine. In the veterinarian be stated in my name.

Well I don’t have much to say about my new dog! You can see some photography’s in there.


I'm going to talk about one of my favourite music bands, Sôber is a rock alternative/metal alternative bands, they start to play music in 1995, until the 2005 they take out to the marked 7 disks and the most important are Reddo and Paradysso. In 2005 they separated and the components divided into 2 news bands, Savia and Skizoo.

The last year band joined another time and take out to the market a complied disk with three new songs and this year they make a new album called Superbia.

Saturday 4th of June, Alba and me are going to a concert of Sôber in Barcelona.

This is a song from the years 1995 to 2005.

And this is the single of the new album Superbia

Perdidos en la ciudad

Hi people! Today I’m going to talk about one TV program.

Two years ago approximately you can found in the TV one program that was about one family that comes to live around one month with a savage tribe. This was very funny because you can see the differences about the thoughts, traditions or habits between the tribe and the Spanish family.

I remember that in one tribe the women’s has forbidden wash herself. This has an explication. They life in the Namíbia desert and they don’t have so much water. One solution that they found was this.

Other funny think is the differences between the Spanish food and the tribe food. In one tribe they eat larva.

Now you can found in the TV this program but with the papers back. Some members of the tribe come to life around one month here in Spain. This program is called: “Perdidos en la ciudad”.

When the first program ends I think that it would be interesting that the tribe comes to Spain. The most important thing for me about this program are the cultural aspects, or psychological. For this I think that it would be interesting. However, I think that this can be a little bit unpleasant for the tribe people. I think this because they have to fight and work a lot for can obtain food or water for example. Here only have to go to the supermarket.

Is very amazing so the tribe members meet our world. Is very amazing how their

mind is. I remember one thing that I never will forget:

One day one Spanish girl show to Namibia’s tribe one ball. This ball have drawn the world. The girl tries to explicate that this ball was the representation of our world. Also, she shows where Namíbia is. When the nambibia’s tribe understand the concept, one of the members asks how Namíbia arrives in the ball, and also he said that this wasn’t possible because the ball was very small. It was very shocking for me. I never imagine that one person of this world don’t have the concept of map.

I recommend you this TV program


Why the actual technologies are in continuous development?
Why everyone have to buy the latest technologies if they don't need it?
Why the companies have to sell new and innovator products, some months after put to sell the previous models?

These questions have a easy answer, consumerism, the development is only a word that has a synonymous of consumerism, the companies conceal the consumerism in development, an that is because everything turn around the money and only this thing is important in the world, all companies have to create new products every month for doesn't be the worst company and for doesn't be the most poor company, they have to fight with the another companies to sell the better and most innovator product. That is as the world work and that is the cause for that we are in economical crisis.

This is my sincere and meek opinion.

The aquatic course

Hi friends! now I'm going to talk about the aquatic course.

As you know in the summer I work like a lifeguarded. I worked there for two years. For can work this year I have to make an aquatic course. I make this course around one month.

For can pass the course I had to make different exams. One of these exams is a theory exam. In this they ask me about some knowledge like the basic Life Support, or cardio pulmonary resuscitation.

In other exam I had to swim 200 meters in less of 3 minutes and 20 seconds. I can be helped by a flipper. In this prove I make the 200 meters in 2 minutes and 50 seconds. This is very tired. I make the first 100 meters very fast, but the other 4 meters were the most long meters of my life.

Other activity is that I have to pass 25 meters under the water. This is easy if you practise a lot. However I know about people that for him, this exam is very difficult.

Another proof is that you have to state one minute floating in the water, but this isn’t all, also you have to support 1 kg in every hand. You can’t put the pieces of 1 kg inside the water; you have to support it at the height of the ears. For make this exam you have to learn a technique. If you learn very well this technique you can pass the proof without troubles.

The most important exams are the rescue of 2 victims.

The first victim is one that fights for doesn’t be drowned. This is a very danger person because she can take you, and the most probably is that for their survival try to drown you. In this time also you have to learn some techniques.

The other victim is one that is unconscious. This is easy to transport, but the problem is that she can’t breathe.

These are all the exams that I have to pass in this course.

Now I’m another lifeguard in this world!

Japan nuclear crisis

As everybody’s now, the 11 of March of this year occurred a big tragedy in Japan.

I know about this for the TV. The first thing that I remember about that is that give my creeps. We aren’t conscious about the strong of the nature. We think that we can control the nature, and this isn’t true. I think that we should take care of this world.

In this disaster the worst is not the natural disaster, is something that I me

ntion like the human disaster. The most important preoccupation for Japanese people, and also, for the international security is the nuclear power station of Fukushima.

I think that the controls that we apply to the nuclear power stations should be more precise and strict. Apart of this, I have to say that this controls should be more periodic, for example, it would be fine that this controls were applied every year. Also, my thought is that if one nuclear power station doesn’t pass this control we have to close it without exception. This last point is not applied in the actuality, because If they close the nuclear power station lose money and of course, an appreciated energy.

I believe that until pass a catastrophe the people is not conscientious about the troubles or the seriousness of keep a not qualified nuclear power station in activity.

I hope that this situation should be better in the future. I hope that all this finished

lifes aren’t lost futile.

Campus party Valencia 2011

Hello people, this summer I'll go to the campus party of Valencia with Alba, Campus party is a gathering of geeks, in that you can take your computer and you can connect the computer in a very fast LAN connection. We will stay there for a week and we will sleep in a camping, apart from the connection, we will can enjoy with lectures of important persons of the science computer world.

The campus party is divided in parts according to the specialization of each zone, for example: modding, music, free software etc. I will be in the video games zone and Alba in Music.

All of these is because I won a prize 2 months ago in a draw and I won a ticket for the 7 days that last the campus party :)


Poverty, war and capitalises, these are the 3 words that describe our world, and our society.
What is the most important thing today? Everyone knows the answer, if you want anything in this world, you need to change it for money. Anyone do nothing free, the thinks, the feels or the ideals are not important, only one thing can make you different to the others, the power, and today a synonym of power is money, this is very sad, the humanity have lost all of their rudiments and their feelings, and all of this because of we are very selfish.

But besides the selfishnes, the poverty, the money or the power, you can find a little hope, around you, in your family, your friends and your boyfriend or girlfriend, because these people forms your own little world that really makes you different, these people are who define yourself.


a dialogue with a man and the last farmer in the town

Man: Hello, Mr, Joseppe

Farmer: Hello

Man: How are you?

Farmer: I'm not really fine, I'm the last farmer in the town and the farming busines is in decline, I can't sell all of my harvest.

Man: Why can't you sell it??

Farmer: Because my vegetables are more expensive than the vegetables gathered by de industries, because the industries have got mechanic process that reduce the price of the production costs

Man:yes it's true, the high demand and the capitalism has maked a industrial soc¡ciety, in that it's more important the money than the manual and hard work, see you and good luck Mr Joseppe.

Farmer: Good bye sir.

My computer

The last summer I bought a new computer, I bought all the parts and in my home I assembled the computer.

I decided to assmble the computer piece to piece because it's cheaper than if you buy an assembled computer. The price of all pieces is 1200 € and ii's very powerful :)

The most exciting of this was the moment that I assembled the computer, it's veri exciting to assemble a computer slowly enjoying every moment, every second, and after when you turn on the computer and all works perfectly, I felt really fulfilled, and it is a very vicious feeling, ever since I have the necessity to assemble another computer only for feel and for enjoy another time the process to mount a computer.

El barco

Hello people! Today I’m going to talk about one television series called “El Barco”. You can see it in “Antena 3” every Mondays at 22.30.

This series was about a group of young people that embarked on a boat with the objective of learn about the sea. In this boat they had a teacher, a captain’s, a captain’s assistant, a cooker, a doctor, and some assistants more.

The crews don’t know anything about the objective of the doctor. She works with a group of investigators that had like an objective make work a particle accelerator.

The doctor had the objective that make that the boat was in a determinate place in a determinate time. If she can make this, they are safe.

The group of investigators takes on the particle accelerator, and this fault. With this, in the Earth creates a black hole that wolf down the continents.

With the time the crew has to become accustomed to his new life. They have the hope that in somewhere they can found earth or other human alive.

With the development of the series you can found a lot of little stories inside the crew. For example, the captain is with his two daughters, because her mother dead recently. Or for example, the captain’s assistant meets his son.

Is a series very interesting and funny. I enjoy it a lot, and like in the book the host, make me think about the Earth and our responsabilities.

The host- Stephanie mayer

Hello! In this time I’m going to talk about other book called the host, this is of Stephenie Meyer.
This book is very different of the others books that I proposed.

This talks about the end of the human race. This explains the arrival to
the Earth of some “things” or “aliens”. They called him “Souls”. These souls introduced finished with the human race capturing the human people and introduce them a little capsule in their nape. When this success the soul takes the control of this human body, and the human soul disappear. However, this not success in all cases. In some cases the human sould can survive and fights inside the body for the control. You have to know that the souls had a reason for make this, they don’t attack for pleasure.
The principal character in this story is Melanie and also the Host. Melanie achieves escapes with her little brother called Jamie of this souls. They live alone, and fight for obtain food, or someplace to hide from this souls. One day meets another human, called Jared. He and Mel fall in love. They begging to think that is possible that other humans are alive… it was true?
The host is a soul. She was introduced in Mel’s body… Mel fights for the control of her body o leave to the host this control?
This book is very interesting and funny. I love the structure that the writer gives it. Also I love how the writer begging the story, and how she explains slowly the situation of Mel, the host, and the other characters.

This book make you switch of the reality, and make you think about the end of the human race, and how can be this end, which causes or events can make this. We have to think about how we are treating the Earth, the animals, sum up, the nature. A lot of people think that nature is our enemy, and they think this because of the earthquake, hurricans, Tsunami… and this is not true, we are the nature, and we have to learn about the nature until.